Since 2003, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has settled HIPAA violations to the tune of $36 million, with the two most recent settlements coming from Oregon Health & Science University and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. HIPAA protections are granted by three separate, yet related, rules. The first one, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, […]
The Presidential Directive that defined roles and responsibilities of Federal agencies in the event of a cyber incident is being applauded as a step in the right direction by private sector cybersecurity companies. “Better defined coordination amongst government cybersecurity stakeholders is welcomed,” said Blue Coat CTO Aubrey Merchant-Dest. “Clarification on who to contact is important, […]
The Department of Energy is investing $19 million to improve the efficiency of the nation’s buildings. This investment will aim to develop advanced building technologies that will help Americans save money on utility bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create jobs. “[Improving efficiency] presents one of our best opportunities for cutting Americans’ energy bills and […]
The Superpublic Innovation Lab – announced earlier this year – is now open in San Francisco. The lab seeks to foster innovation and progress for the city through cross-sector collaboration, bringing down the walls among academia, state, and Federal government leaders. The lab is a product of the partnership among the Office of Innovation, the […]
If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty on the techie side of telemedicine, Jim Custer, the director of product development in the health care division of Yorktel, is your man. For more than 30 years, Yorktel has been the video managed services partner around the world for some of the largest business and […]
The American Telemedicine Association’s 2016 report card on state telemental telehealth policies was released earlier this month, and gave eight states an A, but only one state, Colorado, an F. The report identified existing policy barriers that impede telemental health and patient access to quality health care services. Each state was graded A, B, C, […]
If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty on the techie side of telemedicine, Jim Custer, the director of product development in the health care division of Yorktel, is your man. For more than 30 years, Yorktel has been the video managed services partner around the world for some of the largest business and […]
The Republican Party platform, released during the convention in Cleveland that chose Donald Trump as the nominee, explains the party’s views on technology including broadband expansion, net neutrality, cybersecurity, education, and health care. Broadband The platform emphasizes the party’s views that the government should invest in more broadband development. “At the cost of billions, the […]
Campaign managers who urge politicians that they have a certain state’s unwavering support can now use data analytics to detect cities and even individuals within those states who may not back the candidates. Rick Hutley, program director of analytics at the University of the Pacific in California, leads a team of students pursuing master’s degrees […]
Laura Ferris, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh, has been bombarded by people asking which mobile applications they could use to identify whether their moles were malignant or benign. Curious as to the reliability of these apps, Ferris and her colleagues tested three inexpensive ones that provided immediate feedback. The doctors were […]